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Fri, Mar 28th



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Brad Ideas
Mar 20, 2025

Cybertruck Sees A Road Runner Fake Wall, Here s Why
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes After Mark Rober's video on Tesla vs. a LIDAR car, somebody tries to replicate the test on FSD instead of Autopilot, as Rober should have. One FSD works, another fails.

Read more at Forbes.com in Cybertruck Sees A Road Runner Fake Wall, Here s Why

Brad Ideas
Mar 17, 2025

YouTuber Mark Rober Tests Cameras Vs. Lidar And Gets It Wrong
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Mark Rober's tests were pretty artificial and examined Tesla's obsolete driver-assist system, not its prototype self-driving system.

Read more at Forbes.com in YouTuber Mark Rober Tests Cameras Vs. Lidar And Gets It Wrong

Brad Ideas
Mar 11, 2025

I Ride A Waymo In Mountain View For The First Time In 13 Years
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes It took a while, but Waymo is now servicing its HQ and the place it was born. I worked there 13 years ago and have seen it grow up.

Read more at Forbes.com in I Ride A Waymo In Mountain View For The First Time In 13 Years

Brad Ideas
Mar 11, 2025

How can the Democrats help the GOP break free of Trump?
Topic: New DemocracyPoliticsThe more extreme Trump gets, the more the non-MAGA Republicans, whom I will call the "GOP," would like to be free of him. They always distrusted him, but their desire for power overwhelmed that distrust. The alternative to Trump was the Democrats. Opposition to Trump meant being pushed out of the Republican party like Liz Cheney. Now they live in fear. Only the GOP have the political power to remove Trump. 4 in the House. 4 in the Senate could pass a resolution, including a resolution declaring Trump an insurrectionist. 14 could beat filibuster, 20 could pass veto-proof resolutions or convict an impeachment.

But to "shoot at the king and miss" means the end of their career; all they have worked for. Is there a way the Democrats could help them and save the country, as is their duty?

Trump's threat is this: defy him, and next primary, they'll run a MAGA opponent. Elon Musk will fund that campaign. You'll be out, even in a safe seat.

The Democrats could pledge this: If you are in a safe GOP seat and you vote to be rid of Trump, and they attack you, we won't run anybody in your race. Further, we'll tell our supporters to register as Republicans and vote for you, and if that fails, you can run as an independent, or even a new party called the "Grand Old" party, and we'll tell our supporters to vote for you. One time only, but we'll do what we can, and you'll get 6 more years. It had better be over after that.

This actually costs

Brad Ideas
Mar 07, 2025

Robotaxis, Mostly Waymo, Are Giving 1.3 Million Rides/Month. Here's what it's for
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes With Waymo up to 200,000/week, total rides are now well over a million a month. The robotaxi is here. But people mistake it for Uber because it looks like that today.

Read more at Forbes.com in Robotaxis, Mostly Waymo, Are Giving 1.3 Million Rides/Month. Why?

Brad Ideas
Feb 27, 2025

Competing With $1/gallon Gas The Strange Non-Economics Of EV Charging
Topic: Going GreenTags: forbes People want to run EV charging stations as a business, but could you sell gasoline for $4/gallon if almost everybody has a $1/gallon filling station at home?

Read more at Forbes.com in Competing With $1/gallon Gas The Strange Non-Economics Of EV Charging

Brad Ideas
Feb 14, 2025

Yes, Trump can get a third term
Topic: PoliticsTrump has joked about a third term, but we all know the 22nd amendment limits Presidents to 2 (or 2.5) terms, right? Fortunately, Trump is 78, and the odds of health getting in the way are significant, but it's also pretty probable he'll be up for it. And being who he is, want it. But how could he do it?

Lurleen Wallace Hack The simplest approach, by far, is the trick Democrats have already actually done twice for Governors. When George Wallace was termed out, his wife Lurleen ran as "Mrs. George Wallace" and won. It was explicit that George would e the real governor, power behind the office. She had no interest in the role, and died in office and George returned. This also happened in Texas with "Ma Furguson" who took the role from her husband.

Trump's wife can't run, but he could run anybody truly loyal, particularly those with his name, including Ivanka, Eric, Lara or Don Jr. Lara's the daughter-in-law but she's being groomed, the important part is the signs would say "Trump" or even "Donald Trump." This could even be done if Donald Trump were barred from running due to the insurrection clause.

No person shall be elected The 22nd amendment uses odd language. It says "No person shall be elected to the office of President more than twice." It says elected, when the other parts of the constitution which control who can run for President, all written before the 22nd, use other terms. "No person shall be eligible" if they're not a natural born citizen, and 35 years old, and resident for 14 years. No person "

Brad Ideas
Feb 13, 2025

Tesla Robotaxi In June: What Does Musk Mean By "Toe In The Water? "--
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes We look at Musk's very specific words from the earnings call, and what they might translate to in Austin to make a service when the software's not yet ready

Read more at Forbes.com in Tesla Robotaxi In June: What Does Musk Mean By Toe In The Water?

Brad Ideas
Feb 10, 2025

When your opponent has all the strength, you must follow Aikido and use their strength against them.
Topic: PoliticsThe new Trump administration has done a dizzying list of extreme actions, insane cabinet appointments, executive orders and much more. The Democrats have been largely powerless to stop them, and do not appear to have even been trying very hard. Christian "reconstructionist" Russel Vought, architect of both Project 2025 and hidden plans, is running OMB, and Some fear a coup is in progress, and while it's not certain, the fear can't be easily dismissed. What can be done? For Democrats, the time to act was last year, but they failed. Trump controls the White House, the Senate, the House and much of SCOTUS, a level not seen for many decades, though the margin is small. Most people are asking how can they resist, and as always, there is a great deal of outrage and statements of opposition.

There is a radically different strategy, one that will no doubt anger those feeling outrage, for it is frustrating, contains risk, and seems counterintuitive. It may also be the best plan. It must be understood that Trump's main strategy is to create enemies, and unify his supporters around them. His main enemy is the left, or Democrats, but he has also specifically demonized immigrants, drag queens, trans people, abortion supporters and many others, even including China and allies like Mexico and Canada.

Trump works by pitching these enemies as the bogeyman, but he also enlists those enemies to help him. He is deliberately as provocative as he can be, in order to trigger outrage. If he can make his enemies lash out at his supporters, engender hate for him and

Brad Ideas
Feb 06, 2025

Intel's MobilEye Plans A Third Path To Robotaxi, Unlike Tesla, Waymo
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Tesla is "cheap and everywhere first, they hope for safe." Waymo is "Safe first, then expand and lower costs." MobilEye thinks there is a zig-zag through the middle

Read more at Forbes.com in Intel s MobilEye Plans A Third Path To Robotaxi, Unlike Tesla, Waymo

Brad Ideas
Feb 05, 2025

How To Judge If A Robocar Is Actually Good (Tesla Vs. Waymo)
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes In order to compare the two, it's important to figure out just how to judge the quality of a self-driving system.

Read more at Forbes.com in How To Judge If A Robocar Is Actually Good (Tesla Vs. Waymo)

Here is a video:

Brad Ideas
Jan 29, 2025

Musk Claims Tesla Will Offer Robotaxi By June. Skepticism Is High
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes The claim of the vehicles driving around, carrying passengers with no driver behind the wheel by June borders on ridiculous. The numbers just don't back it up

Read more at Forbes.com in Musk Claims Tesla Will Offer Robotaxi By June. Skepticism Is High

Brad Ideas
Jan 27, 2025

Did Elon Musk's Salute Cripple The Tesla Robotaxi?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes It doesn't matter what Musk really meant with this salute. Robotaxis are exclusively a product for large urban areas, and that population largely didn't like it at all.

Read more at Forbes.com in Did Elon Musk s Salute Cripple The Tesla Robotaxi? ________Facebook

Brad Ideas
Jan 22, 2025

The Ideal EV Charging Station Doesn t Look Like You Think
Topic: Going GreenTags: forbes An EV charging station is nothing like a gas station. To get it right, station owners must understand the different business rules and avoid gasoline thinking.

Read more at Forbes.com in The Ideal EV Charging Station Doesn t Look Like You Think

Brad Ideas
Jan 20, 2025

The Self-Driving Race Continues At CES 2025
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes The competition to win in self-driving saw setbacks in 2024, but things were still going strong at CES. Here's a summary of some transportation stories from CES

Read more at Forbes.com in The Self-Driving Race Continues At CES 2025

Brad Ideas
Dec 21, 2024

Video version of the 2024 Robocars year in review
Topic: RobocarsI made a video version of my 2024 countdown of self-driving stories...

Brad Ideas
Dec 20, 2024

Robocars 2024 In Review: Top Ten Stories And More
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes It was a year of tumult, with success and major failures. Let's count down the top self-driving stories of 2024

Read more at Forbes.com in Robocars 2024 In Review: Top Ten Stories And More

Brad Ideas
Dec 19, 2024

Waymo & SwissRe Show Impressive New Safety Data
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes New safety data on Waymos, made by the insurer SwissRe, shore up claims of Waymos reducing risk on the road.

Read more at Forbes.com in Waymo & SwissRe Show Impressive New Safety Data

Brad Ideas
Dec 11, 2024

Tesla should be Cruise and other musings on the fall of Cruise
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbesGM has killed Cruise's robotaxi project. In this article, I muse about some consequences, including why Tesla should buy it, what it means for global competition and what role the DMV played in the death of Cruise and what it should think about that. Link to the article in the comments.

Read my Forbes site story at Tesla should buy Cruise

Brad Ideas
Dec 09, 2024

In 2009, Waymo's Caddy Was A Campus Robotaxi Long Before Cybercab
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Waymo in year one made a fixed-stop campus robotaxi service with cheap parts, 15 years before Tesla's demonstration of a similar concept. Robotaxi history began here.

Read more at Forbes.com in In 2009, Waymo s Caddy Was A Campus Robotaxi Long Before Cybercab

Brad Ideas
Dec 05, 2024

Waymo To Launch Robotaxi In Miami In 2026 With Logistics Partner Moove
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Instead of Uber, a Nigeria based ride-hail finance enabler will run the depots and charging. Florida has a special history with robocars, but also presents challenges.

Read more at Forbes.com in Waymo To Launch Robotaxi In Miami In 2026 With Logistics Partner Moove

Brad Ideas
Nov 27, 2024

Long Airport Security Lines? The TSA Knows How To Fix That
Topic: Air TravelTags: forbes Stuck in a Thanksgiving line? Turns out the TSA knows a lot of things that can fix that, but we won't get them anytime soon. They can start with remote X-ray screeners.

Read more at Forbes.com in Long Airport Security Lines? The TSA Knows How To Fix That

Brad Ideas
Nov 25, 2024

Top 11 Myths About EV Charging Even Industry Insiders Believe
Topic: Going GreenTags: forbes People who don't drive EVs don't understand them well, but there are some myths even the owners of EVs don't fully understand. You might believe some of them!

Read more at Forbes.com in Top 11 Myths About EV Charging Even Industry Insiders Believe

Brad Ideas
Nov 20, 2024

9 videos on some of today's big topics
Topic: Random IdeasSpeaker Associates is a speaking agency which has me in their catalog, and they asked me to record short videos answering a series of big questions. Here they are:

What are the most promising applications of augmented reality and virtual reality technology in fields like education, training, and entertainment?

What are the most effective ways to protect intellectual property in a rapidly evolving innovation landscape?

What are the key differences between innovation in startups versus established companies?

What are the key considerations for companies looking to develop and implement a successful digital transformation strategy?

What are the implications of generative AI for data privacy and security?

Brad Ideas
Nov 14, 2024

Got Solar, An EV And Net Metering? Here's Your Best Price Plan
Topic: Going GreenTags: forbes When you have solar, you still pick a pricing plan for your electric utility. Here's some hints about how to do that. In California, it's less complex than expected.

Read more at Forbes.com in Got Solar, An EV And Net Metering? Here s Your Best Price Plan

Brad Ideas
Nov 12, 2024

Waymo Robotaxi Now Open To All In Los Angeles
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Waymo's service area is still 80 square miles (LA to Santa Monica) but now anybody can ride. It's another milestone.

Read more at Forbes.com in Waymo Robotaxi Now Open To All In Los Angeles

Brad Ideas
Nov 07, 2024

Musk's Political Efforts Paid Off, What About For Tesla, Robotaxis?
Topic: PoliticsRobocarsTags: forbes Musk won big (though thanks to Twitter it may have been no gamble.) But now will urban, blue riders avoid his robotaxis? What happens when the government flips again?

Read more at Forbes.com in Musk s Political Efforts Paid Off, What About For Tesla, Robotaxis?

Brad Ideas
Nov 03, 2024

We need better "Needle" visualizations for election night results
Topic: MediaPoliticsThe NYT "Needle" in 2016

The 2020 election showed that doing live reporting on election counts when the order of counting has a bias is misleading and emotionally draining. Of course, there is no actual "race" with totals moving back and forth, one candidate in the lead and then another. That's just an illusion created by the bias in the order. The result is actually a fixed fact after the polls close, and we're just uncovering different parts as time goes by.

It's a bit like scratching off a lottery card. The final result of the card is fixed, you just get some drama revealing bits of it at a time.

The press get good ratings and we can't stop them from reporting this, even when they know the reports are misleading. But instead of one number, there's really two numbers to show from partial results:

The best estimate of the final number based on your models and what data you have The amount of uncertainty in that estimate (which you might show as a scalar, or as a distribution.) As we know, Trump even worked to exploit that lie, known as the red mirage, to call the election into question. It's serious stuff.

This particular time, we the following large biases.

In person votes were usually counted before

Brad Ideas
Oct 30, 2024

Waymo Builds A Vision Based End-To-End Driving Model, Like Tesla/Wayve
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Waymo also just announced they are doing 150,000 rides/week. This internal research projects shows off some interesting abilities of LLMs and a different approach.

Read more at Forbes.com in Waymo Builds A Vision Based End-To-End Driving Model, Like Tesla/Wayve

Brad Ideas
Oct 25, 2024

Custom Robotaxis Are Cool, But A Boring One, You Can Take To The Bank
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Waymo just closed a $5.6B funding round. Some of that will be used to grow the fleet, but is there a way to grow fleets with debt rather than equity finanancing?

Read more at Forbes.com in Custom Robotaxis Are Cool, But A Boring One, You Can Take To The Bank

Brad Ideas
Oct 22, 2024

Tesla Wireless Charging, Swap And Robots How Will Robotaxis Recharge?
Topic: Going GreenRobocarsTags: forbes Robotaxis have different charging needs than regular cars. Will they want Tesla's new promised wireless charging, or is battery swap made for them

Read more at Forbes.com in Tesla Wireless Charging, Swap And Robots How Will Robotaxis Recharge?

Brad Ideas
Oct 19, 2024

Trump is (sort of) the Democrats' fault
Topic: PoliticsOk, No, the Republicans certain take first blame for not standing up to Trump when he took over their party. They have been cowards. But because of that failure, it fell to the Democrats to do what it takes to stop him returning to the White House, and the election remains a dead heat, which it shouldn't be, and only they could have stopped that. I hope they don't fail, but it shouldn't even be close.

Indeed, there is a great irony in that I very frequently see Democrats write, "I just can't begin to comprehend why this race is so close." The reason the race is so close is because they don't understand that. They have failed to understand why half the country (by electoral votes which are all that counts) wants to vote for a man like Trump, and why a large portion of them (way more than enough) are not voting for Trump, but against the Democrats. That's something under the Democrats' control -- they have less control over the MAGAs who support Trump because they like him.

I say "way more than enough" because in a 50-50 race, they only have to win over a few percent of voters in a few swing states to make the race not close any more. Now, there are a lot of reasons that the US 2 party system is usually very close to 50-50. It's not a coincidence -- parties adapt to try to win 51% of the vote (and victory) but they resist adapting more than that, and they're in a fight with an opponent who is doing the same thing. The result is chaotic, with power flipping back and forth, each side often immediately trying to undo what their nemesis did when

Brad Ideas
Oct 17, 2024

Waymo Timeline Also Ranks All Robotaxi Players, With Tesla In Last
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes How do all the robotaxi contenders compare with Waymo the leader? See it all in one graphic

Read more at Forbes.com in Waymo Timeline Also Ranks All Robotaxi Players, With Tesla In Last

Brad Ideas
Oct 07, 2024

Since Tesla has no Robotaxi, just what will they show on Robotaxi day?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbesTesla has said their Oct 10 "We Robot" day will be one for the history books. But they are very far from having a working robotaxi you can bet your life on. So just what can they show off to live up to the hype? I've collected various speculations on what they might show off at Warner Brothers, in hopes of not disappointing.

Read it at Forbes.com in Since Tesla has no Robotaxi, just what will they show on Robotaxi day?

Brad Ideas
Sep 29, 2024

Pebble s Electric Travel Trailer Can Hitch And Propel Itself
Topic: Going GreenTags: forbes The electric car revolution is well underway, but soon we ll also see the rise of the electric RV. There's a lot you can do to make trailers better

Read more at Forbes.com in Pebble s Electric Travel Trailer Can Hitch And Propel Itself

Brad Ideas
Sep 23, 2024

Waymo Rumored In Talks With Hyundai, While Motional CEO Leaves
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Waymo might seek a backup if their planned Zeekr receives 100% tariffs from the White House, but probably not the Ioniq 5

Read more at Forbes.com in Waymo Rumored In Talks With Hyundai, While Motional CEO Leaves

Brad Ideas
Sep 16, 2024

Nuro Switches From Delivery Business To Driver Provider
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Nuro was going to make a large fleet of custom delivery robots. Now it will licence its self-driving software stack to vehicles of all types, including passenger cars

Read more at Forbes.com in Nuro Switches From Delivery Business To Driver Provider

Brad Ideas
Sep 16, 2024

Waymo s New Safety Data Is Impressive And Teaches A Lesson
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes The lastest Waymo safety data throws down a gauntlet in front of other companies to publish similar data, and helps regulators measure risk.

Read more at Forbes.com in Waymo s New Safety Data Is Impressive And Teaches A Lesson

Brad Ideas
Sep 12, 2024

Graphic at shows the strong old-GOP opposition to Trump
Topic: PoliticsI made this graphic because I find the information collected in it striking. How did Trump get control of the GOP when every single former VP or Presidential nominee living or recently deceased (except Palin) opposes him?


Republicans should be asking this, and about how to get their party back. These senior Republicans, nominees and Trump Cabinet members, are just some of hundreds who have come forward. Almost all who come forward though, are those who have left the "game" and are free to speak their own minds. The others saw what happened to Liz Chaney and others.

This graphic asks Republican questions ideally. Most of those I know supporting Trump don't like him but feel that Harris and the Democrats must be stopped. The question for the party is, is that worth giving up the soul of the party. They would rather have somebody other than Trump, but if he's all they have, they will vote for him to meet the higher priority goal of stopping the Democrats. But these leaders of the party, who are free to speak their minds, don't think it's worth that trade off. The GOP must investigate why.

Brad Ideas
Sep 07, 2024

Thanks to incredible luck and timing, I saw the Starliner reentry from a jet over New Mexico
Topic: Air TravelPhotographyThe pixel's night mode was able to capture the Starliner coming over Mexico, with stars

Last night I watched the Boeing Starliner re-enter from an (Airbus) Airliner over southern New Mexico. Here's a photo and video shot from a plane window with my phone (!). The story of how I was there involves amazing luck. I was flying from Tampa to San Jose, but when I looked at my earlier flight it was packed full, so I found I could get a flight landing 50 minutes later for $22 less with lots of empty seats. I switched, but it turns out the two legs (on two planes) were tagged with the same flight number and it took half an hour on the phone to make things work. I was regretting it but took it.

Then in Houston I got a first class upgrade so feeling better, but the plane was too empty and the rebalancing software was crashing so they spent 45 minutes figuring it out old-school. Due to that delay I learned from Kathryn Myronuk that the trajectory of the Starliner should come close to my new flight. At first we were going to miss it but the tarmac delay had us intersect it perfectly. I informed the flight crew, who announced when they saw it coming over Mexico. I was on the starboard side but due to the light plane I went back to coach to grab a port window for a great vi

Brad Ideas
Aug 30, 2024

Caltrain s Great New Electric Trains Replace Heavy Polluters
Topic: Going GreenTags: forbes The oldest rail line in the western U.S. has gone electric, but data released suggest the old one used more fuel than giving each rider a Hummer. How can that be solved?

Read more at Forbes.com in Caltrain s Great New Electric Trains Replace Heavy Polluters

Brad Ideas
Aug 24, 2024

In 2025, You May Call A GM/Cruise Robotaxi On Uber. How About 2030?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes A short term partnership will help both companies learn. But the question of a long-term partnership is much more complex.

Read more at Forbes.com in In 2025, You May Call A GM/Cruise Robotaxi On Uber. How About 2030?

Brad Ideas
Aug 20, 2024

Waymo s 6th-Generation Robotaxi Is Cheaper. How Cheap Can They Go?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Waymo says it's new 6th generation driver has significantly reduced cost. A robotaxi can end up cheaper than a regular car. Here's a list what it doesn't need.

Read more at Forbes.com in Waymo s 6th-Generation Robotaxi Is Cheaper. How Cheap Can They Go?

Brad Ideas
Aug 18, 2024

To save conservatism, the right must dump Trump before it's too late
Topic: PoliticsTo my various Republican and conservative friends, it's time to talk about Donald Trump. In particular it's time for hard thinking on whether, for the sake of the GOP and conservatism, it's past time to cut him loose. Not for any of the arguments made by your leftie friends, but because it's the right thing for you. It's also time to leave the sinking ship.

To quote Lindsay Graham, back when he spoke his true mind about it, "If Donald Trump carries the banner of my party. I think it taints conservatism for generations to come." Graham isn't the only one who has said this or used to say this. An astonishing fraction of conservatives who worked in the Trump White House have said worse, even published books about it. You can discount a few as sour grapes, but there's far too many of them. Even Mike Pence, John Bolton, Mark Esper and his Chief of Staff John Kelly. Dick Cheney has called him the "greatest threat to our republic." And of course, what J.D. Vance said about Trump before he decided Trump could be his path to power. There's been nothing like this before, which should wake people up. Look at this list and note it was made after Trump took near-total control of the party. (Bush has sworn to be apolitical but nobody doubts his feelings.) Not just them but multiple close relatives, Mark Burnett (who made Trump, as producer of the Apprentice) and Tony Schwartz, the ghostwriter of "The Art of the Deal." Of all past nominees a

Brad Ideas
Aug 13, 2024

Could Tesla Run A Robotaxi With Human Operators Inside?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Tesla doesn't have robotaxi software yet, and it's done almost nothing on robotaxi logistics. But it might be able to launch early with a cheaper, greener Uber style ride.

Read more at Forbes.com in Could Tesla Run A Robotaxi With Human Operators Inside?

Brad Ideas
Aug 11, 2024

World record Bronze and the ideal design of Olympic sports
Topic: MediaIn the young Olympic event of "speed climbing," Sam Watson (USA) set two new world records, breaking his own previous world record. For that, he got the Bronze medal. The reason he did relates to some concepts I have been mulling over about what makes a good spectator event. The Olympics are the rare time when a whole bunch of sports that are generally relatively obscure become big-audience, big-advertising events. Spectator sports are sports as entertainment, but they are also still athletic.

Watson got the bronze because speed climbing is run in the "pyramid" or "playoff" style where two climbers "race" and the winner of the race advances or gets a point. This is a common style used in lots of sports, and in most of the "mega" spectator sports that get 90% of the audiences and money (Football, Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, American Football, Cricket etc.) Watson set one new WR in the early rounds, but he had a minor stumble in the semi-finals so he missed the gold medal "round" and in his bronze metal match set a new WR that was not matched in the official goal medal match.

The problem is this -- there's really no "match" aspect to this particular sport. The two climbers are really just racing against a clock, and the fastest time wins. They rarely glance at their opponent, and while they may have some peripheral perception, in a good run they are racing only the clock. (If an opponent has a very poor run, and falls or stumbles majorly, a climber might notice that and slow down and be more careful, now that a win is assured for them if they

Brad Ideas
Aug 05, 2024

So You ve Built A Robotaxi, Now Where's Your Infrastructure?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Making a working self-driving car is hard, but there's a ton more to do to open a robotaxi service area. Here's an outline of the surprisingly long list of things.

Read more at Forbes.com in So You ve Built A Robotaxi, Now Where s Your Infrastructure?

Brad Ideas
Aug 04, 2024

Beyond Fast-Forward, the "Next Interesting" button
Topic: MediaA few days ago, I wrote about Olympics Streaming and the challenge of quickly navigating around streaming/downloaded sports programs with typical streaming or cloud DVR services.

I tend to make heavy use of "jump" buttons which skip forward or back amounts like 10, 15, 30 or 120 seconds. With a local disk DVR (and some very good streaming ones) this is done with super fast response time and a live preview, so it's easy to move around a program to what you want.

But what I did not discuss, and should, is just what do you want? The most common thing is to skip commercials, and some DVRS (typically those not under control of networks or cable providers) offer automatic commercial skip, or a button that seeks to the end (or start) of the commercial break. They even do this on near-live recordings. The problem is that TV shows don't want you to skip commercials, and work to get this feature out of DVRs. A solution that keeps everybody happier is to pay extra for commercial-free, though some things like sports can't do this as the live event has gaps for commercials.

With sports, though, there are tons and tons of short boring gaps, and that's really obvious in the Olympics. Indeed, there are too many, which can mean a complex UI. The best simple UI is usually a button or two that skips 10 to 30 seconds, with a "back" button that skips a shorter amount of time, so you can skip forward, and if you overshoot, go back 1-2 times. But why not be exact.

In hockey, for example, I

Brad Ideas
Aug 01, 2024

Olympics Streaming, why do you suck so much?
Topic: MediaI cut the TV cord many years ago, and watch everything streaming or downloaded. When it comes to sports, though, particularly the Olympics, streaming and Cloud DVR don't remotely cut it, and so I record the over-the-air broadcast to a local disk using open source DVR software, and watch from my local disk, sometimes delayed just a few minutes to an hour from "live."

Once you watch that way, you can't go back. You can seek around instantly, and I mean instantly. If I press my "Forward 10 seconds" button it does it within milliseconds. Same for back. Rewind and FF run at many speeds, and up to 3x they are perfectly smooth. Up to 2x they are smooth and the audio is played, pitch-adjusted.

Sports are full of boring gaps, not just the commercials. And depending on your view of the sport, you may also decide to skip or speed up action. If it's my favourite sport I might watch it all, but otherwise you'll see me skipping long sections of a long road race, or all the points in a volleyball or tennis match until it gets closer to the decision. TV coverage that is edited down does this (and smarter) but it's also nice when you control it entirely and pick what you want. And you can watch a sport in less than half the time, even 1/10th the time if you want, which means you get to watch a lot more within your time budget.

Streaming doesn't work for this. While YouTube is fairly decent, most streaming and cloud DVR services have huge latency on any attempts to seek around or rewind/FF to the point of being unusable. With regular shows it's OK beca

Brad Ideas
Jul 30, 2024

What Hardware Features Make A Robotaxi, And What Will Tesla Do?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Robotaxis may not look like old-school cars. What will be their key innovative features, and what is Tesla likely to show in their October concept reveal?

Read more at Forbes.com in What Hardware Features Make A Robotaxi, And What Will Tesla Do?

Brad Ideas
Jul 23, 2024

GM's Cruise Kills Its Custom Origin Robotaxi But It's Not All Bad
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Canceling the Origin is a sad moment for Cruise, but it's the right decision on their path to rebirth. Get the software right, then do the hardware.

Read more at Forbes.com in GM s Cruise Kills Its Custom Origin Robotaxi But It s Not All Bad

Brad Ideas
Jul 22, 2024

Will Robotaxis Be Fleet-Owned Waymos Or Privately Hired Out Teslas?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Some plan fleets of robotaxis. Others, like Tesla may expect private owners to hire out their cars into networks, like Ubers they don't have to drive. Which is best?

Read more at Forbes.com in Will Robotaxis Be Fleet-Owned Waymos Or Privately Hired Out Teslas?

Brad Ideas
Jul 21, 2024

Stop talking about the fake popular vote or national polls
Topic: PoliticsIn election season, we regularly see references in the USA to "The popular vote" as well as nationwide polls comparing presidential candidates. These are self-destructive, and ideally should be curtailed.

There is no popular vote in US election law. People talk about one because newspapers add up the 51 different races that are done and publish a number. People make several significant errors about this number. They talk about a candidate "winning" or "losing" this popular vote, which of course is not correct -- you can't win or lose a race you're not even trying to compete in, and no candidate does so.

Instead what people are probably interested in is a different number, "What the popular vote might be, if the USA had an actual popular vote race which determined a winner." Many people would prefer a popular vote to the electoral college, for fairly obvious reasons. Problem is that the newspaper published number is not that number and may not even be close to it. It might be possible to try to calculate the theoretical number people would like to use to compare, but at present nobody does that.

Many countries don't have a popular vote but sometimes report it. In Canada, in the last election the Liberal party got 32.6% of the unofficial "popular vote," and while there are people who lament this, there's actually much less consternation over this than what it seen in the USA when the electoral college has an opposite sense than either the fake popular vote or even a real one. The Liberals rule with a minority but came close to the ful

Brad Ideas
Jul 15, 2024

Europe'-s Pedestrian Downtowns Are Marvelous, But Cars Enable Them
Topic: Free SpeechTags: forbes A busy pedestrian city core is common in Europe, and the jewel of any city, but US cities rarely make it work. Cars are banned but they also bring in pedestrians

Read more at Forbes.com in Europe s Pedestrian Downtowns Are Marvelous, But Cars Enable Them

Brad Ideas
Jul 11, 2024

Tesla Delays Robotaxi Reveal. It s OK, It's Still Many Years Away
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes The market's upset that Tesla may delay their robotaxi reveal, but the truth is they are many years away from having a production robotaxi

Read more at Forbes.com in Tesla Delays Robotaxi Reveal. It s OK, It s Still Many Years Away

Brad Ideas
Jun 07, 2024

Elon Musk Predicts FSD-S Will Drive For A Year, But That's Dangerous
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes If Tesla FSD-S does get that good, will it trigger "automation complacency" and create a danger?

Read more at Forbes.com in Elon Musk Predicts FSD-S Will Drive For A Year, But That s Dangerous

Brad Ideas
Jun 05, 2024

New York Governor Kills Congestion Pricing; Here s How To Do It Better
Topic: TransportationTags: forbes Manhattan's plan to charge up to $15 to drive downtown won't happen, but there are better, more high tech ways to do it.

Read more at Forbes.com in New York Governor Kills Congestion Pricing; Here s How To Do It Better

Brad Ideas
Jun 04, 2024

A Tesla With FSD-S Cut In Line, But Robocars Could Save Us From It
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Tesla FSD has learned some antisocial behavior. But what if self-driving systems work together to make a more cooperative and social road?

Read more at Forbes.com in A Tesla With FSD-S Cut In Line, But Robocars Could Save Us From It

Brad Ideas
Jun 03, 2024

Ending most paper mail by forbidding it
Topic: InternetMediaRandom IdeasIt's time to radically scale back the postal service, by banning the mailing, on paper, of computer files.

The US Postal Service delivers 44% of the mail in the world. 127B total pieces of mail, plus packages, and 46B pieces of first class mail (down from 103B at the peak) of which 13B are "single piece" first class mail with a stamp. That's a lot of trees and a lot of energy.

Last election, it became a political issue, because it carries ballots, and it's not just about mail, as it does a number of low-cost parcels, including, famously, some people's prescriptions. But it shouldn't be a political issue, not to the end of defending vast waste in order to support a few useful goals.

Almost every piece of mail (not a parcel) that I get is a computer printout. It's a file that was in somebody's computer, that they printed (or mass printed) and mailed to me, and I don't want that.

So my proposal is that any person with (or without) an address can register an e-Mail address to associate with it through the post office. Anybody who has a computer file to send to a physical address just check if that address has an associated e-mail, and if so, just send the file to the USPS to deliver. (The registered e-mails would not be public.) The USPS can even charge a fee, like a penny, for this. The sender can provide a return address or not, just like paper mail. This would count

Brad Ideas
May 29, 2024

NHTSA Investigates More Waymo Incidents, But Should It?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes The National Highway Transportation Safety Agency is investigating 31 incidents involving the robotaxi company s vehicles.

Read more at Forbes.com in NHTSA Investigates More Waymo Incidents, But Should It?

Brad Ideas
May 14, 2024

Baidu Launches New $28,000 Robotaxi In Wuhan
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Baidu, the tech company sometimes called the "Google of China" has a new robotaxi at half the price, and a plan for profits

Read more at Forbes.com in Baidu Launches New $28,000 Robotaxi In Wuhan

Brad Ideas
May 14, 2024

GM Cruise Comes Back In Phoenix, Waymo Soars, Motional Sinks
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Cruise is Back, Waymo is doing 50,000 rides/week with nobody in the car, Motional lays off half their staff, and Tesla still teases a Robotaxi. It's interesting times.

Read more at Forbes.com in GM Cruise Comes Back In Phoenix, Waymo Soars, Motional Sinks

Brad Ideas
May 08, 2024

Requiring the full price be advertised
Topic: Random Ideas There's "uproar" in California over a new law that requires fees to be disclosed in prices, even at restaurants. Restaurants say that those which have a mandatory service charge (ie. non-optional tip) and other completely bogus fees like a 6% "employee health insurance fee" and similar will be punished because their prices are now going to look higher than other restaurants, and this will scare away customers, even though all they are being made to do is show the price the customer will pay.

People hate these hidden fees, found especially on hotel rooms, tickets and the like, so much that Joe Biden pledged to get rid of them in the State of the Union.

A nice simple rule could be, "If you advertise a price, then that is what the consumer pays" with the possible exception real government mandated taxes, which should be known but also clear to the customer.

Challenges come, though from "optional" and variable things like tips and shipping/delivery. This is what the restaurants are upset about. They make the tip mandatory, and so must list it under the new law, in other restaurants the tip is optional and thus not listed. And the tip is indeed technically optional. If you're ordering something with delivery, the delivery is not generally optional, though.

So I would propose the following. In the case of tip

Brad Ideas
May 07, 2024

Hertz Tesla Rental Imports Your Profile, And More, But Badly
Topic: Going GreenTags: forbes I recently rented a Tesla from Hertz, for an experience that tried to be wonderful but failed.

Read more at Forbes.com in Hertz Tesla Rental Imports Your Profile, And More, But Badly

Brad Ideas
May 01, 2024

How To (Barely) Make Sense Of Tesla Sacking Its Supercharger Team
Topic: Going GreenRobocarsTags: forbes What reasons could Tesla possibly have to laying off its entire Supercharger team when most consider it to be one of the company's prized jewels?

Read more at Forbes.com in How To (Barely) Make Sense Of Tesla Sacking Its Supercharger Team

Brad Ideas
May 01, 2024

Serve Robotics Goes Public With Ad Plan; What Do Ads On Robots Mean?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Some day robots may roam the streets without cargo, just showing ads. What will we do about it?

Read more at Forbes.com in Serve Robotics Goes Public With Ad Plan; What Do Ads On Robots Mean?

Brad Ideas
May 01, 2024

Future Self-Driving EVs Must Plug Themselves In. How Will They?
Topic: Going GreenRobocarsTags: forbes Cars that go charge themselves are the ideal, and also a solution for the power grid, plugging themselves in when solar power is surplus and cheap

Read more at Forbes.com in Future Self-Driving EVs Must Plug Themselves In. How Will They?

Brad Ideas
Apr 22, 2024

California Supreme Court To Hear Home Solar Rate Case, And It s A Mess
Topic: Going GreenTags: forbes California's home solar net metering standards changed last year and crashed the solar industry. Could neighbors selling power to neighbors' cars fix it?

Read more at Forbes.com in California Supreme Court To Hear Home Solar Rate Case, And It s A Mess

Brad Ideas
Apr 18, 2024

Tesla, Waymo, Nuro, Zoox And Many Others Embrace New AI To Drive
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Machine learning AI and large language models (similar to ChatGPT) are taking over software development at self-driving car companies

Read more at Forbes.com in Tesla, Waymo, Nuro, Zoox And Many Others Embrace New AI To Drive

Brad Ideas
Apr 15, 2024

Tesla Teases A Robotaxi And Other Big Changes
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes There's a lot Tesla has to do to make a robotaxi, but if they do, it might be a cheaper car to buy than a low cost EV

Read more at Forbes.com in Tesla Teases A Robotaxi And Other Big Changes

Brad Ideas
Apr 14, 2024

Album of best 2024 Eclipse photos
Topic: PhotographyHere is an album of shots from the 2024 Eclipse, shot from Magog, Quebec (near Sherbrooke) after a long odyssey to avoid clouds, detailed below.

For best viewing, Go to Google Eclipse Photo Album

This eclipse, my 7th, was a major effort to assure clear skies and good photos. As the last domestic eclipse for ages, I decided to bring a LOT of gear to take photographs automatically while I watched.

Brad Ideas
Mar 30, 2024

Your guide to watching the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse (with Video)
Topic: Best Of BlogPhotographyRandom Ideas A total solar eclipse is the most spectacular natural phenomenon you can see on this planet. It's really that good. If you think the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, Banff or the Fjords of Norway are spectacular, you're right, but this beats them all. In fact, it's so good that even though I just hyped it so much, you'll still be impressed. But no photograph of it looks much like it at all, so instead I'll start by showing you a short clip of how people react to it that I recorded at my last eclipse.

I'm Brad Templeton, and while this channel is mostly about the future of transportation, I've seen six total eclipses, which is enough that I can give you some good advice on how to see one, in particular the one that crosses North American in April of 2024. I've also gotten some skill at photographing them, which will let me advise you on why you should never, ever try to photograph during the total phase, no matter how good you are at photography, and how you can come away with some good images nonetheless. Get ready to be followed by a Moon

Brad Ideas
Mar 28, 2024

The bible mandates and instructs how to do an abortion. Would following it alter the debate?
Topic: PoliticsPrivacyRandom IdeasDid you know that the Bible doesn't just condone abortion, it actually requires it in the case of infidelity, and gives (bad) instructions on how it is to be done? It's all in Numbers Chapter 5, starting at verse 11. I wonder if it would be possible to set up abortion clinics which perform abortions with a modernization of the method described in the Bible, for the subset of women who qualify. It would only help some women, but it would make it much harder for those fighting abortion rights for religious reasons to stop women getting abortions as described and required in the Bible, who are exercising their religious freedom.

In a biblical abortion, it's required when a husband is jealous and suspects his wife of infidelity. (It does not have to be the case, he just has to suspect it.) He takes her to the temple, and the priest explains how it will work and makes her take an oath saying "so be it."

He then gives her a drink, which he has explained will not harm her if she has been faithful, but will curse her and cause an abortion if she has been unfaithful.

The drink is holy water, mixed with dust from the floor of the tabernacle, and into which a scroll with the rules has been dipped. But imagine that prior to this procedure, the woman has received a prescription for a

Brad Ideas
Mar 26, 2024

Waymo Runs A Red Light And The Difference Between Humans And Robots
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes A serious Waymo incident turned out to be a mistake by a human remote assistance operator. How do the errors of people and robots differ, particularly to the public?

Read more at Forbes.com in Waymo Runs A Red Light And The Difference Between Humans And Robots

Brad Ideas
Mar 22, 2024

What makes great science fiction, and why Vernor was the best
Topic: MediaTags: science fictionYesterday, I declared in commemorating his life, that Vernor Vinge was the greatest SF author. Of course, there are many opinions on who might get that title, and a solid argument that there isn't just one, or one axis of what makes great SF.

To explain my claim, I want to describe why I read SF, and how I judge greatness in it. Those who read SF may read all sorts of other books (and should) but they have a reason why SF holds a particular attraction and value. While any great book should have great characters and great prose and a gripping story and bring you to new realizations about the world and "the human condition" SF readers seek even more. (This is true to an extent which causes mainstream critics to disparage SF, because readers are willing to accept less than the best of these other virtues in order to get SF that is great at being SF.)

All good fiction explores important issues and the consequences of certain hypotheticals -- "What if?" For most fiction, these topics are important but "ordinary" and concern that human condition, our lives, our emotions, our morals, our philosophy, our politics and many other things.

Speculative fiction asks "what if?" with the world itself. Imagine a world that isn't just ours (often just because it's in the future as is not yet

Brad Ideas
Mar 21, 2024

Vernor Vinge, the greatest SF writer, 1944-2024
Topic: FuturismMediaTags: science fictionI have received the sad news of the passing of the world's greatest science fiction writer, Vernor Vinge, who was also my friend and onetime collaborator. (And, I need to point out, it's pronounced Vin-gee.)

I don't bestow that title lightly Certainly with 3 Hugo awards for best novel he was one of the most decorated. Heinlein with 4 is far in the past. Willis is still writing, and Jemesin won her 3 for a great fantasy series but when it comes to what I think great real SF should do, Vernor was the top in my book. Some could argue others spun better prose, but when it come to exploring world-shaking ideas none were his equal.

His stories explored radical political theories and introduced us to a concept that's become a household word, "the signularity" -- a term that he coined. Many concepts of VR and cyberspace were unveiled in "True Names" and much thinking on networks and superhuman intelligence was born in A Fire Upon the Deep. The list goes on and on. Shortly after A Fire Upon the Deep came out I worked with Vernor to produce and publish a hypertext e-book of it which included all his author's notes while he was writing it, a rare chance to see inside the writer's mind.

His l

Brad Ideas
Mar 20, 2024

Are Uber and Lyft Right In Their Threat To Leave Minneapolis?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes A study said TNC drivers don't make minimum wage, including their idle time but Uber and Lyft say they'll leave once the city regulated fares. Here's the math.

Read more at Forbes.com in Are Uber and Lyft Right In Their Threat To Leave Minneapolis?

Brad Ideas
Mar 05, 2024

Waymo s Double-Crash With Pickup Trucks And More, Examined
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes San Mateo tried to fight them, but they've been quickly approved, and now can try their hand at really scaling up.

Read more at Forbes.com in Waymo Wins Permission For Major Expansion To Los Angeles, San Francisco Peninsula

Brad Ideas
Mar 03, 2024

Waymo Wins Permission For Major Expansion To Los Angeles, San Francisco Peninsula
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes San Mateo tried to fight them, but they've been quickly approved, and now can try their hand at really scaling up.

Read more at Forbes.com in Waymo Wins Permission For Major Expansion To Los Angeles, San Francisco Peninsula

Brad Ideas
Mar 01, 2024

Tesla Blesses Fords At Superchargers Using Up Two Or Three Spaces
Topic: Going GreenTags: forbes Drivers of Ford electric cars gain access to Tesla s supercharger network, using an adapter provided free by Ford. Tesla can make sure not too many stalls are wasted.

Read more at Forbes.com in Tesla Blesses Fords At Superchargers Using Up Two Or Three Spaces

Brad Ideas
Feb 27, 2024

Apple Reportedly Kills Car Project, Who Is It Good Or Bad For?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes The industry is slowing down its progress. Some will win and some will lose as this happens.

Read more at Forbes.com in Apple Reportedly Kills Car Project, Who Is It Good Or Bad For?

Brad Ideas
Feb 06, 2024

Paris Votes To Discourage SUVs, But Would Easier Renting Help?
Topic: Going GreenTransportationTags: forbes Some cities want to discourage big, heavy vehicles. But could making them more available for short use actually result in fewer of them on the road?

Read more at Forbes.com in Paris Votes To Discourage SUVs, But Would Easier Renting Help?

Brad Ideas
Feb 04, 2024

The World Science Fiction convention/awards were attacked again. How can its unusual governance structure deal with this?
Topic: GovernanceMediaTags: science fictionhugo

The activities of the World Science Fiction Society, the unincorporated club which chooses the location of the annual World SF Convention (WorldCon) and the annual Hugo awards, have once again encountered a scandal, the 3rd in the last 8 years, and people aren't quite sure how to repair the damage and/or fix it long term. Below, I'll discuss many of the possible and proposed approaches.

You can skip ahead past this description of the odd way WSFS works.

TL;DR (Very Long) Folks could try to make what happened harder to happen. They could also try to make it more obvious and detectable and harder to cover-up. They could look for more general approaches to allow faster response to any sort of attack, not just this one. They could also install deterrents to make it less likely people would try things again.

For those unfamiliar, a good analog to the WorldCon might be the Olympics. The structure is somewhat different, but this can aid in understanding. The Olympic movement and its trademarks belong to a global organization called the International Olympic Committee. Cities an

Brad Ideas
Feb 01, 2024

Chicago EVs Froze As I Did An Easy Two Week Tesla Trip In Snowy Utahg
Topic: Going GreenTags: forbes Do EVs work in the cold? Read about a long trip in snowy Utah, and how the best place to charge is at hotels, and how that should work

Read more at Forbes.com in Chicago EVs Froze As I Did An Easy Two Week Tesla Trip In Snowy Utah

Brad Ideas
Jan 31, 2024

Aptiv Pulls Support From Motional Robotaxi Joint Venture
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Motional must rely on Hyundai for support, or find a new funder. I recount the history of self-driving projects and what this means going forward.

Read more at Forbes.com in Aptiv Pulls Support From Motional Robotaxi Joint Venture

Brad Ideas
Jan 25, 2024

Cruise Releases Independent Reports On Oct 2 Pedestrian Dragging Event
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Cruise has released reports from independent agencies that examined its crash with a pedestrian and the alleged cover-up of dragging. Lots of details

Read more at Forbes.com in Cruise Releases Independent Reports On Oct 2 Pedestrian Dragging Event

Brad Ideas
Jan 22, 2024

Waymo Plans Massive Robotaxi Service Area, But Not Massive Enough
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Waymo has asked to serve large reasons in San Francisco and Los Angeles. Perhaps big enough for real experiments in car replacement, which is where robotaxis must go

Read more at Forbes.com in Waymo Plans Massive Robotaxi Service Area, But Not Massive Enough

Brad Ideas
Jan 02, 2024

Here's how to regulate robocar safety
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes I outline what sort of data should be disclosed and what methods can assure that robocars are safe and we can understand how safe they are

Read more at Forbes.com in Buttigieg Seeks Robocar Safety. Here s How He Should Do It

Brad Ideas
Dec 28, 2023

Robocar 2023 In Review: The Fall Of Cruise
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes The biggest self-driving story of 2023 was the fall of Cruise. Here's in-depth analysis of that fall and where they might go

Read more at Forbes.com in Robocar 2023 In Review: The Fall Of Cruise

Brad Ideas
Dec 01, 2023

Does The Dept. Of Transport Know What To Do With $7B For EV Charging?
Topic: Going GreenTags: forbes They have $7B to spend, but previous subsidies caused a broken charging network. Here's how to do it better

Read more at Forbes.com in Does The Dept. Of Transport Know What To Do With $7B For EV Charging?

Brad Ideas
Nov 19, 2023

Kyle Vogt Resigns As CEO Of GM s Cruise Robotaxi Unit
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Vogt founded the company, sold it and returned to the helm. Here's analysis of his fall and what's ahead for Cruise

Read more at Forbes.com in Kyle Vogt Resigns As CEO Of GM s Cruise Robotaxi Unit

Brad Ideas
Nov 08, 2023

GM's Cruise Dug Itself A Deep Hole; They Want To Show They See It
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Cruise has listed steps they are taking during their shutdown. It's a start, but there needs to be even more

Read more at Forbes.com in GM s Cruise Dug Itself A Deep Hole; They Want To Show They See It

Brad Ideas
Nov 07, 2023

Cruise Reports Lots Of Human Oversight Of Robotaxis, Is That Bad?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes Reports said Cruise cars ask for remote help a few times an hour. It seems bad but it's not about safety, and it turns out it doesn't hurt commercial viability.

Read more at Forbes.com in Cruise Reports Lots Of Human Oversight Of Robotaxis, Is That Bad?

Brad Ideas
Nov 02, 2023

An Injury Lawyer Says What GM s Cruise Robotaxi Might Face After Dragging Woman
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes A robotaxi dragged a woman after she was hit by another driver. What would happen if the case went to court?

Read more at Forbes.com in An Injury Lawyer Says What GM s Cruise Robotaxi Might Face After Dragging Woman

Brad Ideas
Oct 30, 2023

Cruise Suspends Robotaxi Operations, What They Must Do To Fix It
Topic: RobocarsSolve thisTags: forbes Cruise has lost trust. They need to be much more open to ever get it back. Here's things they could do to win trust.

Read more at Forbes.com in Cruise Suspends Robotaxi Operations, What They Must Do To Fix It

Brad Ideas
Oct 26, 2023

You Can Summon A Waymo Via Uber, But Does It make Sense?
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes It's good for Uber, but will Waymo want a relationship like this long term?

Read more at Forbes.com in You Can Summon A Waymo Via Uber, But Does It make Sense?

Brad Ideas
Oct 24, 2023

California DMV Shuts Down Cruise Robotaxis Due To Dragging Of Pedestrian
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes A person was hit by another car and thrown in front of the Cruise. Then it stopped and dragged her while trying to pull over. The DMV says Cruise hid that.

Read more at Forbes.com in California DMV Shuts Down Cruise Robotaxis Due To Dragging Of Pedestrian

Brad Ideas
Oct 23, 2023

Networks Say They ll Fix Broken Chargers, But What About Broken Billing?
Topic: Going GreenTags: forbes Poor reliability is the bane of CCS car drivers, but there's also a lot of hassle in using 30 apps on 30 networks.

Read more at Forbes.com in Networks Say They ll Fix Broken Chargers, But What About Broken Billing?

Brad Ideas
Oct 19, 2023

Cruise Robotaxi Improvements Mean Fire Department Burns Its Own House
Topic: RobocarsTags: forbes San Francisco wants to slow down robotaxi testing. That will slow down great benefits for the fire dept. and others, and rob from their future for minor gain today

Read more at Forbes.com in Cruise Robotaxi Improvements Mean Fire Department Burns Its Own House

Brad Ideas
Oct 13, 2023

Guide to (not) photographing the Annular/Partial solar eclipse
Topic: PhotographyThere is a partial/Annular solar eclipse in the USA on Oct 14. It's nothing like a total eclipse but if you are near it or in it you may enjoy it. But photographing the eclipse itself is not that exciting, so instead photograph the people watching it. In this video I outline some ideas on how to do that.

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