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PC World Latest NewsApr 30, 2024
Arc's new browser for Windows is too twee for me

For one, there's the maker's name: The Browser Company of New York. Are we meant to imagine the browser being crafted in a converted blacksmith's forge in Brooklyn, offering farm-to-table HTML? And it was designed for the Mac. Then there was my attempt to try out the beta several weeks ago — the browser hung while I tried to make an account, and wouldn't let me through. A support request went unacknowledged.

That's not really fair, though. So when *sigh* The Browser Company of New York announced that its free Arc browser was finally ready for Windows users to try alongside Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and others, I gave it a try. And you know what? It's actually okay.

The problem I face, however, is that the Arc browser wants you to learn its ways. I don't mind quirks, but I've never liked a "you just don't get it" attitude. And there's definitely a bit of that throughout Arc.

Full disclosure: I've never spoken to The Browser Co., and I was never offered a walkthrough or a press briefing. That's fine, as it puts me in the shoes of an average user. From the get-go, the experience is familiar: You're asked to download a small installer, which downloads a more complete package.

Unfortunately, Arc is one of the new breed of browsers that requires a username and password, full stop. There's no anonymous option, at least where Arc is concerned. To use it you'll need to provide an email address, plus a username and password. For mobile, Arc is limited to iOS support — not even a true mobile browser, but rather an odd sort of sidebar. Android users are out of luck, for now.

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