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The Daily BeastJun 27, 2024
Opinion: Biden's Re-Election Is Doomed by Disastrous Debate
Photo Illustration by Elizabeth Brockway/The Daily Beast/ReutersAn old country song laments that "The whiskey ain't working anymore." Along those lines, the theme of Joe Biden's debate performance Thursday night could probably be summed up as: The caffeine ain't working anymore.

I'm talking, of course, about Republican theories suggesting that Biden's solid State of the Union performance was enhanced by Mountain Dew and caffeine (or something much stronger), and that he would be "jacked up" for this first presidential debate.

Instead, Biden's hoarse voice and aged appearance were on full display. But his stumbles only reinforced the sense that Biden was too old for the job. During one confused moment—sure to be a soundbite that is repeated over and over—Biden ended a botched response with the confusing words, "We finally beat Medicare."

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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