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Yahoo PoliticsJun 28, 2024
Biden's performance at 1st presidential debate of 2024 election causes some Democrats to panic

Yahoo PoliticsJun 28, 2024
Trump-Biden debate likely amplified Americans' dismay about the election

Photo Gallery: Americans watch Trump and Biden in election debate (Yahoo Politics)

The Daily BeastJun 28, 2024
Opinion: Jill Biden Must Step Up Now to Help Oust Her Husband
Tommaso BoddiLet's start with the obvious: No one actually knows the best path forward for the Democratic Party in 2024, and all options in front of us are bad. A second Biden term is seeming less and less likely, and Democratic voters and pundits like seem increasingly nervous that we're marching to our own funeral. But the prospect of challenging an incumbent president just a few months before an election also seems hubristic and dangerous, especially when the Democratic Party is deeply divided, the vice president is unpopular and has been largely marginalized, and there is no obvious Plan B. The worst of all worlds seems to be a scenario in which Biden continues his campaign but the party mutinies and an ugly replacement battle fails at everything except mortally injuring an already-weak candidate.

It is hard to overstate the stakes of this election. Joe Biden surely understands them as well. Which is why I hope that, in the aftermath of this debate, he is doing some serious soul-searching with his advisors, his colleagues, and the person he seems to trust most: His wife Jill.

The catastrophic debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on Thursday was a wake-up call even for many hard Biden partis

Opinion: SOS to Clinton and Obama: You Can End the Biden Nightmare after That Debate (The Daily Beast)

Drudge ReportJun 28, 2024
U.S. Allies Watch With Shaking Heads and a Question: What Now?

(First column, 2nd story, link) Related stories:

The Daily BeastJun 28, 2024
Secrets of How Dems Ditch Biden (Spoiler: Bad News, Kamala)
Mandel Ngan/AFP via GettyWithin President Joe Biden's first few answers of Thursday night's first 2024 presidential debate, speculation began ramping up among Democrats over the so-called nuclear option.

For not just months, but much of the past two years, Democrats have privately discussed the possibility of Biden "pulling an LBJ," as some operatives put it.

Just as former President Lyndon B. Johnson did in March 1968, Biden could, theoretically, call it quits on his re-election campaign.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

The Daily BeastJun 28, 2024
Kamala Harris Tries Her Best to Defend Joe in Post-Debate Scramble
CNNVice President Kamala Harris attempted to pour cold water on the panicked reaction to Joe Biden's disastrous debate against Donald Trump on Thursday night, instead deflecting to focus on the falsehoods spilled by the former president.

Pressed about the president's performance on CNN, Harris argued that while Biden had "a slow start," he had a "strong finish." She then opted to stress the policy differences between him and Trump.

CNN anchor Anderson Cooper began by telling Harris how some in Democratic circles have expressed concern over how Biden came off, to the point of asking whether it's worth it for him to even continue his re-election campaign.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

The Daily BeastJun 27, 2024
RFK Jr. Debates Himself After Being Left Out of the Main Event
Rebecca Noble/ReutersIndependent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. failed to make the cut for CNN's debate on Thursday night—so he planned to debate himself instead.

Libertarian former Fox Business host John Stossel announced Thursday evening that he would be "moderating" the alternate debate, which would be livestreamed on Elon Musk's X platform. A big screen next to Kennedy would air the actual debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and Kennedy would provide his own answers to the questions posed to Biden and Trump, Stossel said. As for the actual debating part of the alternate debate, Stossel didn't say.

In a post on X, RFK Jr. said he expected the main event to be nothing more than "arguments, name calling, accusations, and culture war issues- but no debate on most of the subjects that matter to Americans."

Read more at The Daily Beast.

Drudge ReportJun 27, 2024

(First column, 1st story, link)
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Yahoo PoliticsJun 27, 2024
Biden, Trump headed to debate stage as election rematch heats up

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