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Yahoo PoliticsJun 28, 2024
How did Trump and Biden do in the presidential debate? 3 takeaways from 2024's 1st big clash.

The Daily BeastJun 28, 2024
Secrets of How Dems Ditch Biden (Spoiler: Bad News, Kamala)
Mandel Ngan/AFP via GettyWithin President Joe Biden's first few answers of Thursday night's first 2024 presidential debate, speculation began ramping up among Democrats over the so-called nuclear option.

For not just months, but much of the past two years, Democrats have privately discussed the possibility of Biden "pulling an LBJ," as some operatives put it.

Just as former President Lyndon B. Johnson did in March 1968, Biden could, theoretically, call it quits on his re-election campaign.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

The Daily BeastJun 28, 2024
Jon Stewart Begs for Recreational Drugs to Cope With Debate Disaster
Comedy Central/screengrabJon Stewart reacted to the first presidential debate of 2024 live during his Thursday monologue on The Daily Show, and, like many other commentators on the night, the late-night host was particularly concerned with Joe Biden's performance.

Acknowledging that Biden's main goal for the night was to "not look old and not have a senior moment," Stewart showed the moment where a confused-looking Biden fumbled his response about Medicare.

"Need to call a real estate agent in New Zealand," Stewart quipped, before attempting to do some damage control on Biden's behalf: "OK, a high pressure situation. A lot of times you can confuse saving Medicare with beating it. I'm sure it's not something that repeated throughout the debate, causing Democrats across the country to either jump out of windows or vomit silently into the nearest recycling bin."

Read more at The Daily Beast.

Drudge ReportJun 27, 2024
Court signals decisions will stretch into July!

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The Daily BeastJun 26, 2024
CNN Debate Hosts Tapper and Bash's Long History of Being MAGA Targets
Jim Watson/Getty ImagesUnless Donald Trump decides to back out at the last minute because President Joe Biden didn't agree to be tested for some mystery performance enhancers, CNN will host the first 2024 presidential debate on Thursday night.

The event will be moderated by longtime CNN anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash. The debate is also extremely early, historically speaking, taking place before either candidate has been officially nominated by their respective parties.

Tapper, who anchors the weekday news show The Lead and co-anchors the Sunday talk show State of the Union, joined CNN in 2012. Before his award-winning career at the cable news juggernaut, Tapper was a White House correspondent for ABC News and a frequent guest host of the network's Sunday show This Week. He's also a prolific novelist and cartoonist.

Read more at The Daily Beast.

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